What's New

When there are new challenges to rise up to, KAIST CAF will be at the very forefront.


  • 공지
  • 2024 KAIST Failure Society : 11.08(Fri.) ~ 11.20.(Wed.)
  • 이미순 |
  • 2024-11-04 16:25:21|
  • 41

KAIST Failure Society will be held from November 3 to 20.
There will be a variety of events, including exhibitions of KAIST students' moments of failure, failure sharing and exchange events, and invited lectures. 

We anticipate your interest and participation.

Call for Presenters : Failed Task Festival 2024 
The KAIST CAF and ICISTS will hold a "Failed Task Festival" on Wednesday, November 13, where individuals can share their personal stories of failure and resilience. This exhibition-style event is open to KAIST students, either as individuals or teams of 2-3 people. We look forward to your active participation!
Presenter application link: https://forms.gle/PJwgxJvMSzWVXJmQ6

Pre-registration and Q&A Event: Failure Seminar [The Science of Failure: An Invitation to a New Perspective]

The sixth failure seminar of the KAIST Failure Research Institute will be held on Friday, November 8, at KAIST Fusion Hall, featuring speakers Kwon Jeongtae  and Yi Jeongmo. Participants who pre-register and submit questions will be entered into a drawing to receive books by the guest speakers or recommended readings as gifts.
Event details and pre-registration link: https://moaform.com/q/5jpUSF

    * The seminar will be conducted in Korean-only.

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