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  • [CAF] 2023 Spring Failure Seminar(2023.04.26)
  • 관리자1 |
  • 2023-04-03 10:32:08|
  • 134
We invite you to the 2023 Spring Failure Seminar.  

The Center for Ambitious Failure has prepared a series of seminars by inviting notable leaders in various fields to share their experiences and introduce new perspectives regarding failure. The third seminar. The third Failure Seminar will be held at the KAIST Yang Seungtaik Auditorium on April 26

* Please see the attached file for more information on the talks and guestspeakers.  

※ Korean→English interpretation will be provided 

★ Pre-registration & Question  (4/3 ~ 4/20)
   Those who submit questions in advance will be entered into a draw win signed copies of the books written by our guestspeakers. 

(Link) https://moaform.com/q/Ykl4QU